TGS D strukt – Improvement of soil structure TGS D strukt 2

Improvement of soil structure

Mixture TGS D strukt 2 Improvement of soil structure

  • This mixture contains even 50 % of the legumes, which will accumulate a lot of biological nitrogen, will produce high amount of above and underground biomass, suppress weeds, nourish soil microorganisms
  • The abundant root system of plants of this mixture will loosen the top of the soil, while the roots of Berseem clover will reach deeper layers, loosening them, lifting nutrients
  • Bristle oat will protect against some pathogens, Italian ryegrass, vetches will promote mycorrhiza

TGS D strukt 2

Suits in crop rotation before
















Composition of mixture

Common vetch 15 %

Bristle oat 20 %

Phacelia 15 %

Common lentil 10 %

Berseem clover 10 %

Westerwolds ryegrass 10 %

Fodder pea 10 %

Camelina 5 %

Squarrosum clover 5 %

Recommended sowing time

End of summer, as aftercrop, after harvest of main crop

Recommended seed rate kg/ha

45-55 kg/ha

 -  Unsuitable     +  Suitable     ++ Recommended