
Fodder pea ARVIKA (ORG) LT-EKO-001

Pisum sativum L.

Produced in Lithuania

A late full-leaf pea, good dual-purpose cover or forage crop

  • High yielding
  • Very tall plants
  • Rapid spring growth
  • Good forage quality
  • Lavender flowers
  • Small seed size
  • Excellent protein source
  • Highly palatable
  • Usually mixed with oats, barley, or triticale and are excellent source of high protein forage
  • High yields
  • Tall plants
  • Rapid spring growth
  • Covers the soil surface quickly
  • Sown in spring, for green fodder is ready in 60 days
  • Stem – long
  • Leafy
  • High resistance to lodging
  • Very good resistance to rust and other diseases
  • Early sowing can be affected by foliar diseases
  • Flowering – moderately late
  • Flowers – red-purple (lavender), grains – coloured
  • Late ripening
  • 1000 grains weight – 171 g (small, it means lower sowing costs)
  • High protein content
  • Good feed quality, good digestibility
  • Suitable for green fodder, hay, green fertilizer
  • Suitable for mixtures with summer and winter cereals (oats, barley, triticale)
  • If sown with small grain legumes, cut the forage when the grain is in the bud stage, otherwise – cut at the flowering stage
  • Sown early
  • Easy to grow for grains
  • Grows well in cool weather
  • Does not tolerate waterlogged soils
  • Accumulates nitrogen, good pre-crop
  • Pea for forage is sown in early spring
  • Pea for green manure is sown at the end of summer
  • Tall plants suppress weeds, fix nitrogen, and improve the soil

The varietal parameters may differ from those indicated here when the testing circumstances differ from quondam

Recommended sowing rate when growing for feed or green manure: 50-80 kg/ha, when growing in mixtures