Pisum sativum L.

The mid-early semi-leafless pea with green grains, highest stable yieldand resistance to lodging and diseases

  • Very productive
  • Very good lodging resistance
  • Early spring growth, late flowering
  • Long pods
  • Very good green colour
  • Very good harvest height (55 cm)
  • Excellent resistance to root diseases
  • Suitable also for regions with humid climate
  • Stable yields
  • Early spring growth
  • Good resistance to lodging
  • Late/medium flowering
  • Plants are tall during flowering
  • The flowering period is quite short
  • Crop height at the time of harvesting – 55 cm
  • Semi leafless, tendrils firmly connected
  • Flowers – white
  • Long pods
  • Very good resistance to root diseases, especially root rot (Aphanomyces euteiches)
  • Insensitive to iron deficiency chlorosis
  • Seeds – large, stable green colour, irregular shape
  • Weight of 1000 seeds – 230-300 g
  • Hectoliter weight – high
  • High protein content (24 %)
  • Low levels of trypsin inhibitors
  • Suitable for both human consumption and animal feeding
  • Suitable for humid regions
  • Suitable for later sowing

The varietal parameters may differ from those indicated here when the testing circumstances differ from quondam

Recommended sowing rate: 100-120 plants/m², or 200-250 kg/ha